ICC Activities
Dr. Vandana S.Tandale(Co-Ordinator)
The college administration is committed to provide a safe and conductive work and academic environment to the students and its employees. The college is highly aware of the issues regarding gender sensitivity and to matters arising out of harassment to look into the complaints of sexual harassment of girl’s student and women employees. Internal Complaint Cell is a committee that receives complaints on sexual harassment at the workplace from aggrieved women as well inquiries into the recommendation to the employer on the action required under its inquiry of such a complaint made. Internal Complaint Cell has been established according to the provision of the sexual harassment and women at the workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) Prevention of Sexual Harassment and Act 2013 9th December 2013 and UGC guidance 2016. Internal Complaint Committee & Redressal Committee, is formed according to UGC Letter No. F.No.14/4/2012 (CPP-II) 7th Dec, 2018 & Government of Maharashtra, Higher & Technical Education department letter no 2013/pra.k.63/mkk date-19/06/2014&No. F-2-30/14 (general circular/WRO dated-January, 11, 2022 & Shivaji University letter No. affiliation/T-2/632 dated 2 Jun 2021 -and the College Development Committee Resolution No -16 dated –11/02/2019. Hon Shri Annasaheb Dange ACS College, Hatkanangale has zero tolerance against disrespect and exploitation of women.
- To create a secure physical and social environment for women.
- To develop guidelines against women harassment.
- To organize women sensitization awareness programs.
- To provide a safe environment that is free from sexual harassment.
- To promote a social and psychological environment that will raise awareness about sexual harassment,
- Recommend appropriate punitive active against the guilty.
- Prevention of discrimination and sexual harassment against women.
Role of Committee:
The ICC ensures that the college is adhering to relevant law regulations and policies. The committee conducts regular internal audits to identify potential compliance risk.
Functions of ICC:
- To create and ensure a safe work environment that is free of sexual harassment, especially for girls and women.
- To make note of complaints of sexual harassment of women employed, to conduct inquiries and provide assistance.
- To recommend the concerned authorities, follow-up action and monitor the same
- To maintain the atmosphere of equality and gender justice.
- To conduct the periodical programs on women empowerment.
Internal Complaint Cell
Sr. No. |
Name of Members |
Designation |
1 |
Prin. Dr. Yojana Vasantrao Jugale |
Chairman |
2 |
Asst. Prof. Vandana Sanjay Tandale |
Coordinator |
3 |
Dr. Sanghmitra Vitthalrao Sarvade |
Member |
4 |
Asst. Prof. Ramesh Mohanrao Patil |
Member |
5 |
Asst. Prof. Sarita Pravin Koli |
Member |
6 |
Advocate Sanjay Vasant Tandale |
Advocate |
7 |
Dr. Trishala Vasant Kadam |
NGO Representative |
The committee organizes the meeting with students and tells all information about the cell. In the Induction program or principal address. Students are informed. A suggestion box and complaint box is kept for the complaints. Online and offline sessions as well as seminars organized by the college. Workshop on women empowerment, counselling for awareness and Nirbhaya Pathak Abhiyan and lectures on laws related to women create awareness amongst students. The holds are formal and the informal meetings organized ICC. For the security CCTV cameras are installed in all campus and classes.
Reports Of ICC Activities
Sr. No. |
Date |
Complaints Received |
Redressals of the Complaints |
1 |
01/06/2022& 01/09/2022 |
Introduce women cell committee and the functioning to Newly admitted girls students |
Redressal is Nil |
2 |
30/08/2022 |
Issue of Awareness programme on Anti-Ragging |
Resolve the Issues |
3 |
28/12/2021 |
Issue of availability of water in the Premises |
Resolve the Issues |
4 |
06/03/2022 |
Awareness programme on Grievance Rederessal cell and Mechanism |
Resolve the Issues |
5 |
05/03/2022 |
Girls students demand for Sanitary pads vending machine for girls common room |
Resolve the Issues |
6 |
20/07/2020 |
The issue of cleanliness in the laboratories |
Resolve the Issues |
7 |
05/03/2020 |
Travelling Issue of ladies staff |
Resolve the Issues |
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