Let the darkness of ignorance be dispelled

Department of History

POs PSOs and COs


Program Outcomes (POs) and Course Outcomes (COs) Program Outcomes (POs)

  • India has a glorious heritage and great legacy. The students are helped to cultivate pride for our heritage and urge to preserve its glory.
  • Through curricula and co-curricular activities, students develop respect for freedom fighters and social- religious reformers who built our modern nation.
  • Students are trained in advanced methodology of historical studies and research. it is reflected through their projects and presentations.
  • Through training in historical methodology, students develop objective and scientific thinking while looking at the facts.
  • At the same time; they develop moral values like impartiality, objectivity, unbiased outlook which are the foundation of historical investigations.
  • Students receive career opportunities in the field of education, journalism, administrative sectors, legal sectors etc.

Course Outcomes (COs)  

Part Sem Paper No. Title of the Paper/Subject Course Outcome
I 1 1 Rise of Maratha Power (1600-1707) (1) To introduce students to thehistory of the rise of Maratha power with main emphasis on life and work of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj.                              (2) To apprise the students with the sacrifices made by Maratha leaders and people to protect freedom and sovereign of there region.
2 2 PSE under the Marathas (1600-1707) (1) To acquaint the students with the political, socio-economic and religiouslife of the people during the 1600-1707 period.                                           (2) It will educate the students about the policy and contribution of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj.
II 3 3 History of Modern MS (1900-1960) (1) Understand the beginnings and growth of nationalist consciousness in Maharashtra.
(2) Explain the contribution of Maharashtra to the national movement.
(3) Give an account of various movements of the peasants, workers, women and backward classes.
(4) Know the background and events which led to the formation of Maharashtra.
4 History of India (1757-1857) (1) Acquaint him/herself with significant events leading to establishment of the rule of East India Company
(2) Know the colonial policy adopted by the company to consolidate its rule in India
(3) Understand the structural changes initiated by colonial rule in Indian economy.
(4) Explain the various revolts against rule of the East India Company.
IDS Social Reforms in India (1) Understand the salient features of prominent socio-religious reform movements
(2) Explain the thought and work of Mahatma Phule for radical transformation of Indian society
(3) Know the measures taken by Rajashri Shahu Maharaj for emancipation of lower classes and women
(4) Understand the thoughts of Ambedkar on the annihilation of the caste system and untouchability in India
(5) Know how the Indian constitution embodies the values of social justice and equality
4 5 History of Modern Maharashtra (1960-2000) (1) Acquaint himself with the contribution of eminent leaders of Maharashtra
(2) Know about the economic transformation of Maharashtra
(3) Understand the salient features of changes in society
(4) Explain the growth of education
6 History of Freedom Struggle (1858-1947) (1) Understand the events which lead to the growth of nationalism in India
(2) Acquaint himself with the freedom struggle under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi
(3) Explain the contribution of Revolutionaries, Left Movement, and Indian National Army
(4) Understand the gravity of Communalism and the partition of India
IDS Social Reformers in Maharashtra (1) Know about the beginnings of social reforms in Maharashtra by the Paramhansa Mandali and Prarthana Samaj.
(2) Understand the contribution of women reformers
(3) Explain the contribution of social reformers in the fight for social justice
(4) Explain the role played by educational reforms in transformation of society.
III 5 7 Early India (From the beginning to 4rd c. BC) (1) Understand the transition of humans in India from Hunters to Farmers
(2) Explain the transition from Early to Later Vedic period.
(3) Clarify the causes for the first and second urbanizations
(4) Give an account of the teachings of Gautama Buddha and Vardhamana Mahavira
(5) Describe the rise and growth of the Mauryan Empire
(6) Explain the salient features of Ashoka’s Dhamma
8 History of Medieval India (1206-1526 AD) (1) Describe the different types of historical sources available for writing the history of
medieval India
(2) Explain the contributions of medieval rulers like Allaudin Khilji, Muhammad-bin Tuqhlaq, Krishnadevraya, and Mahmud Gavan
(3) Give an account of the administration and economy of the Delhi sultanate and
Vijayanagar Empire
(4) Elucidate the significant developments which took place in religion, society and
9 Age of Revolutions (1) Explain the causes and consequences of the Reformation
(2) Give an account of the role played by Martin Luther
(3) Explain the salient features of the Industrial revolution
(4) Given an account of the American revolution
(5) Explain the causes, effects and major events of French Revolution
(6) Explain the role of major leaders of the French Revolution
10 Political History of the Marathas (1) Describe the political conditions of the Marathas upto the year 1740
(2) Explain the role of Balaji Bajirao.
(3) Explain the causes and effects of the Battle of Panipat.
(4) Understand the political condition of the Marathas after 1761.
(5) Critically analyze the causes for the decline of Maratha power
11 History: Its Theory (1) Understand the definition and scope of the subject of History
(2) Know the process of acquiring historical data
(3) Explain the process of presenting and writing history
(4) Understand the methods of writing history
6 12 Ancient India (From 4th c. BC to 7th c. AD) (1) Know the political ,economic and religious developments which took place in early
historic India
(2) Explain the role played by Major Satavahana, Kushana, Gupta and Vakataka Kings
(3) Give an account of the developments in the Post-Gupta period
(4) Have an informed opinion about the society and culture of Ancient India
13 History of Medieval India (1526-1707 AD) (1) Know about the various sources for writing Medieval Indian history
(2) Explain the role of rulers like Babar, Akbar, Chandbibi and Ibrahim Adilshah II
(3) Gain knowledge about the administrative and revenue system
(4) Describe the condition of Industry and trade
(5) Explain important developments in religion, society and culture
14 Making of the Modern World (16th to 19th c.) (1) Know the causes and consequences of the Glorious revolution in England
(2) Explain the concept of Nationalism and account for its rise and spread.
(3) Describe the unification of Italy and Germany.
(4) Give an account of the rise, growth and impact of Imperialism
(5) Explain the significance of the Partition of Africa
(6) Know the life and thoughts of important leaders like Metternich, Karl Marx and Abraham Lincoln
15 PES under the Marathas (1) Know the various sources for writing the history of the Marathas
(2) Explain the significant developments in the polity of the Marathas
(3) Describe the economic conditions
(4) Explain the social conditions.
16 Methods and Applications of History (1) Understand the nature of archival sources
(2) Gain conceptual clarity about recent trends in history.
(3) Know about the application of history in museums.
(4) Explain the concept and scope of heritage tourism.




Part Sem Paper No Title of the Paper/Subject Course Outcome
I 1 MMLG1 Early India (from the beginning to 3rd Century B.C) (4 Credits) (1) Understand the transition from hunting to civilization
(2) Explain the transitions in Vedic culture
(3) Clarify the causes for the first and second urbanizations
(4) Account for the rise of heterodox religions
(5) Describe the rise and growth of the Mauryan Empire 
  MMLG2 Aspects of Medieval Indian History (1206-1750) (4) (1) Identify foreign and indigenous sources of history
(2) Explain the salient features of Indo-Persian historiography
(3) Account for the major developments in the polity, economy, and society of India under the Delhi sultans
(4) Explain the contribution of the Mughals towards making of composite culture
(5) Elucidate the rise and growth of Vijaynagar state
  MMLG3 Rise and Consolidation of British Power in India (1757- 1857) (4) (1) Understand the social, political and economic conditions which led to the establishment of British rule
(2) Know about the chronology of events which led to the foreign conquest
(3) Know about the administrative changes made by the British to consolidate their rule.
(4) Explain the colonial ideology and its relation to British conquest.
  MMLG4 Rise of Nationalism in India (1858-1885) (2) (1) Understand the concept of nationalism and the historiography of Indian nationalism
(2) Elucidate the causes and events which led to the formation of Indian National Congress
  MELG2 Legacy of Ancient India (4) (1) Know the development of administrative and participative institutions in ancient times
(2) Will be able to explain the growth of various religions and sects in India
(3) Gain knowledge about the progress of scientific thought in India
(4) Know about the contribution of India to art and architecture in ancient period.
  RMLG History: Its Method and Practice (4) (1) To understand the fundamental principles of research methodology in the field of history.                            (2) To provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the core principles and concepts of research methodology specific to the discipline of history.                              (3) Help them to develop a solid foundation in the methodologies employed in historical research, including the use of primary and secondary sources, critical analysis, and interpretation of historical evidence.
2 MMLH1 Institutions under the Marathas (4) (1) Understand the nature of kingship in the Maratha polity
(2) Explain the salient features of Central, Provincial and Village administration
(3) Understand the complexity of caste system 
(4) Know the position of women in Maratha society
(5) Explain the influence of Bhakti movement and Maharashtra Dharma
  MMLH2 Making of 19th Century Maharashtra (4) (1) Understand the social and economic condition in the early 19th century
(2) Explain the causes and objectives of administrative changes done by the British                                           (3) Critically analyze the nature of social reforms
(4) Explain important changes taking place in the economy of Maharashtra
  MMLH3 National Movement in India (1905- 1947) (4) (1) Understand the concept of Nationalism and various approaches adopted by historians to study Indian nationalism
(2) Explain the contributions of the Extremists 
(3) Understand the vision of Mahatma Gandhi and the importance of Gandhian movements
(4) Know the contributions of other strands of National movement
  MMLH4 Rise of Nationalism in India (1885-1905) (2) (1) Know the contribution of the Moderates and Extremists
(2) Evaluate the work of the Moderates and the Extremists
  MELH4 Devotional Cults in Medieval India (1206-1750) (4) (1) Understand the developments in the devotional cults of North India
(2) Gain knowledge about the nature of the Sufi movement
(3) Know the salient features of the VarkariSampraday
(4) Explain the nature, rise, and growth of Sikh religion
  FPLG Field Project (4) (1) To identify the research problems and formulate objectives.
(2) To choose appropriate methodology with proper tools and techniques.
(3) To analyze and interpret the data collected from different sources.
(4) To make decision or find out conclusions on the basis of data analysis.
  OJ On Job Training (4) (1) Understand the rules, regulations and the work procedures by adopting them in their day-to-day performance.
(2) Learn the practical methods of work by observing and assisting his / her senior.
(3) Equip with important skills like adaptability and flexibility and learn to become dexterous in any situation and gain expertise in various domains.
(4) Develop positive approach towards inevitable changes that occurs in the workplace.
II 3 301 Traditions of History Writing (1) Explores the ways in which history was written since ancient times.                                                       (2) To take a panoramic survey of the historical traditions prevailing in Europe and Asia.                            (3) To acquaint students to the salient features of the tradition of history writing during the ancient, medieval and modern periods.
  302 20th c. World (1900-1950) (1) To understand the world as the unit of analysis and seeks to help students understand how the world evolved in the first half of the twentieth century.                                 (2) Introduce the students to major concepts, ideas and events which created the modern world so that they will be able to place historical events in a larger context. 
  317 Understanding India through Cinema (1) To explores the efforts of eminet creators to understand Indian through this kind of art.                             (2) To understand Indian history through the lens of Indian cinema
  320 Economic History of 19th c. India (1) To help the students understand the impact of colonial rule on the Indian Economy.                               (2) Try to understand the structural changes initiated by colonial rule in the Indian economy.                                           (3) To help students understand the impact of colonial rule in context of the country’s economic history
4 401 Recent Trends in History Writing (1) To acquaint the students with new approaches and advanced historical theory and techniques.       (2) To understand new types of historical sources and recent trends in history.
  402 20th c. World (1950-2000) (1) To acquaint the students with the political, social, economic and technological transformation that took place in the latter half of twentieth century.                                 (2) To familiarize them with events and  issues of conflict, peace, resistance, struggle and progress in the context of world history.
  411 History of Indian Women (1) To situate women's history within the broader perspective of social history, and illustrate significant themes in women's history.                                              (2) To introduce students to concepts of Women’s History and Feminist History, the status of women in different periods of history, and the Women’s Movement.                                                (3) To throw light on the mobilization of women on a mass scale for the cause of country’s independence.
  415 Introduction to Archaeology (1) To undersand the ways  to corroborate facts from written sources with the data of archaeological findings.                             (2) To introduce the students to the nature, scope, the methods and significance of Archaeology