About IQAC
As a post-accreditation initiative, the institution established IQAC on 30th August 2004 immediately after the first cycle of accreditation for establishing quality benchmarks and assuring the quality steps in academic, administrative, co-curricular as well as extra-curricular areas. For the period 2018-19 to 2022-23, the college has formed IQAC as per the latest rules and regulation of forming IQAC laid by NAAC dated 26th September 2019. Keeping the following functions and objectives in mind, the coordinator and other members of IQAC strives for achieving excellence in the every area through continuous and constant efforts.
- To set quality benchmarks and to apply the same for achieving excellence in academic, administrative, sports, cultural, and ICT areas constantly
- To organize orientation programs for all stakeholders to disseminate information about quality parameters of Higher Education and new implementations that are mandatory in HEI set by Government/UGC/affiliating University
- To document various programs/activities/events that leads the institution towards quality improvement and sustenance
- To prepare and submit Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) of every academic year to the NAAC office
- To conduct quality audits such as ISO certification, participation in NIRF ranking and AISHE, Academic and Administrative Audits (AAA), Feedback collection and analyzing the same for taking corrective actions, Energy Audit, Environmental Audit and Green Audit from third party, and quality related collaborative activities, etc.
- To review and monitor teaching learning process continuously and to enhance and upgrade the ICT infrastructure that makes teaching learning process conducive and effective
In short, the IQAC has to play the crucial role in setting and implementing quality benchmarks, documenting all the activities, conducting all types of audits, monitoring TLE, enhancing physical as well as ICT infrastructure and so on.