Let the darkness of ignorance be dispelled


Faculty Research


Major Research Projects (Completed)


Sr. No. Name of Faculty Dept. Topic Funding Agency Year
1 Prin. Dr.Yojana Vasant Jugale Economics Sugarcane Economy of Maharashtra UGC 2015
2 Dr. Malhari Navnath Survase Geography Soil Erosion Risk Assessment in Bhogawati Basin: A Geo-ecological Analysis SERB- DST 2016

Minor Research Projects (Completed)


Sr. No. Name of Faculty Dept. Topic Funding Agency Year
1 Prin. Dr. Yojana Vasant Jugale Economics Economics A study of turmeric Processing and powder Making Industry in Sangli UGC 2001
2 Dr. Niranjan Anjankumar Kulkarni History Medieval Miraj: An Inquiry into Maratha Archaeology (1600-1948) UGC 2015
3 Dr. Niranjan Anjankumar Kulkarni History Protohistoric Settlements in Upper Krishna Basin-Maharashtra ICHR 2016
4 Dr. Digambar S. Kulkarni English Social Realism: Representation of violence and otherness in DSC prize winning and shortlisted novels of 2013 UGC 2015
5 Mr. Balaji Abhimanyu Kamble Library Virtual Rigorous Service Model in college library of Kolhapur District UGC 2016
6 Mr. Amol Sadashiv Mahajan Geography Changes in Agricultural Productivity in Kavathe Mahankal Tahsil: A Geographical Study UGC 2015

Minor Research Projects (In Progress)


Sr. No. Name of Faculty Dept. Topic Funding Agency Year
1 Dr. Niranjan A. Kulkarni History Understanding Sacred (Cultural) Complex of Karavir Kshetra (Kolhapur): With Reference to the formation and development of Mahalaxmi-Cult  ICHR 2022

Ph.D. (Completed)


Sr. No. Name of Faculty Dept. Topic University Year
1 Prin. Dr. Yojana Vasant Jugale Economics A study of turmeric Processing and powder Making Industry in Sangli SU, Kop 2007
2 Dr. Niranjan Anjankumar Kulkarni History Early Historic Investigation in the upper Krishna basin with special reference to Karhad and Kolhapur DC, Pune 2003
3 Dr. Amar Laxman Kamble Marathi मराठी आदिवासी साहित्याचा चिकित्सक अभ्यास SU, Kop 2012
4 Dr. Sanghmitra Vithalrao Sarvade History आंबेडकरी चळवळीत महिलांचे योगदान, विशेष संदर्भ कोल्हापूर, सांगली आणि सातारा (१९२०-२०००) TMV, Pune 2013
5 Dr. Mohan Mangeshrao Sawant Hindi राजबुद्धीराजा: व्यक्तित्व एवम् कर्तृत्व SU, Kop 2005
6 Dr. Namadev Pandurang Khavare English Fantasy and Reality in the select Novels of James Graham Ballard SU, Kop 2013
7 Dr. Malhari Navnath Survase Geography Soil Degradation and Its Conservation in Panchganga Basin (Maharashtra): A Geographical Analysis SU, Kop 2010
8 Mr. Ashok Pandurang Jadhav Commerce Performance Evaluation of Urban Co-operatives in Sangli District SCIBER, Kop 2017
9 Mr.Eknath Shamrao Patil Marathi श्राव्य माध्यमासंदर्भात भाषिक उपयोजन आणि सर्जन SU, Kop 2017
10 Mr.Appasaheb Shamrao Shelke Political Science ग्रामीण महिलातील जाणीव जागृती व सबलीकरण: ७३वी घटनादुरुस्ती विशेष संदर्भाने सांगली जिल्हा SPU, Pune 2017
11 Mr.Dattatraya Devidas Shinde Sociology A Sociological Study of Kanjarbhat Community in Kolhapur District SU, Kop 2017
12 Mr. Sameer Hindurao Gaikwad Economics Green Revolution: Its Impact on Selected Crops in Kolhapur District SU, Kop 2020
13 Mr.Amol Sadashiv Mahajan Geography Spatio Temporal Changes in Agricultural Productivity in Sangli District: A Geographical Analysis SU, Kop 2021
14 Mrs.Sunita Shrirang Telsinge Economics Women co-operative Credit: A Case Study in HatkanagaleTaluka. SU, Kop 2021
15 Mrs.Vandana Vasant Kharat Commerce Financial Analysis of private Management Institute of Shivaji & Pune University : a comparative study SU, Kop 2021
16 Mr.Vikas Kundalik Vidhate Hindi मोहनदास नैमिषराय के साहित्य का अध्ययन BAMU, Aurangabad 2020
17 Mr.Balaji Abhimanyu Kamble Library Marketing of Information Services & Information products offered in Uni Librarian of Western India SRTMU, Nanded 2023
18 Mr. Digambar Sukhadeo Kulkarni English Postmodern Narrative Techniques: A Study of Select Novels of David Mitchell and Mark Z. Danielewski KU, Dharwad 2024

Ph.D. (in progress)


Sr. No. Name of Faculty Dept. Topic Funding Agency Registration
1 Mr. Ramesh Mohanrao Patil Sports Study of the Effects of Rope Climbing and Vertical Jump on Volleyball Smashing Skills SRTMU, Nanded 2019
2 Mr. Nilkanth V. Chakradhari English Men and Masculinities in the select novels of Amish Tripathi and Devdatta Patnayak SGU Atigre 2019
3 Miss. Trupti B Khot Botany Studies on Systematic of the genus Nervilia Comm. ex. Gaudich (Orchidaceae) in Maharashtra Shivaji University 2023


M.Phil. (Completed)


Sr. No. Name of Faculty Dept. Topic Funding Agency Year
1 Prin. Dr. Yojana Vasant Jugale Economics शिरोळ तालुक्यातील स्त्री शेतमजुरांचे वेतन आणि संबधित समस्या SU, Kop 1990
2 Mr.Eknath Shamrao Patil Marathi वि.स. खांडेकर यांचे ललित लेखनाचे विशेष SU, Kop 2000
3 Dr.Niranjan Anjankumar      Kulkarni History   No Topic DC, Pune 1997
4 Mr. Dattatraya Devidas Shinde Sociology इचलकरंजी शहरातील कंजारभाट समुदायाच्या सामाजिक, आर्थिक परिस्थितीचा समाजशास्त्रीय अभ्यास YCMOU, Nasik 2014
5 Mr. Sameer Hindurao Gaikwad Economics अनुसूचित जाती, जमातीचा रोजगार हमी योजनेतील सहभाग YCMOU, Nasik 2009
6 Dr. Ashok Pandurang Jadhav Commerce Management of Co-Operative Undertakings (MC) SCIBER,Kop 2007
7 Mrs.Sunita Shrirang Telsinge Economics Performance of Indira Gandhi Mahila Co-operative Spining Mill, Shivanakwadi. SU, Kop 2007
8 Dr. Mohan Mangeshrao Sawant Hindi राजेंद्र यादव का उखडे हुए लोग: संवेदना एवम् शिल्प SU, Kop 1997
9 Mr.Appasaheb Shamrao Shelke Political Science कवठे महांकाळ तालुक्यातील पक्षीय राजकारणाचा विकासकामावरील परिणाम YCMOU, Nasik 2009
10 Dr.Namdeo Pandurang Khavare English Fantasy and Realism in J. G. Ballard’s The Empire of the Sun, The Kidness of Women and The Dnay of Creation SU, Kop 2009
11 Mrs.VandanaVasantKharat Commerce A Case Study of Manufacture And Sale of Bye-Products in RajarambapuSakharKarkhanaLtd. Sakharale SU, Kop 2003
12 Mr.Digamber Sukhdeo Kulkarni English Nonlinear Narrative Technique: A Study of JulionBarne’s Flaubert’s Parrot and a History of World in 10 & Half Chapters SU, Kop 2013
13 Mr.Vikas Kundalik Vidhate Hindi मोहनदास नैमिषराय के उपन्यासो में विद्रोह SU, Kop 2011