Faculty Research
Major Research Projects (Completed)
Sr. No. |
Name of Faculty |
Dept. |
Topic |
Funding Agency |
Year |
1 |
Prin. Dr.Yojana Vasant Jugale |
Economics |
Sugarcane Economy of Maharashtra |
2015 |
2 |
Dr. Malhari Navnath Survase |
Geography |
Soil Erosion Risk Assessment in Bhogawati Basin: A Geo-ecological Analysis |
2016 |
Minor Research Projects (Completed)
Sr. No. |
Name of Faculty |
Dept. |
Topic |
Funding Agency |
Year |
1 |
Prin. Dr. Yojana Vasant Jugale Economics |
Economics |
A study of turmeric Processing and powder Making Industry in Sangli |
2001 |
2 |
Dr. Niranjan Anjankumar Kulkarni |
History Medieval |
Miraj: An Inquiry into Maratha Archaeology (1600-1948) |
2015 |
3 |
Dr. Niranjan Anjankumar Kulkarni |
History |
Protohistoric Settlements in Upper Krishna Basin-Maharashtra |
2016 |
4 |
Dr. Digambar S. Kulkarni |
English |
Social Realism: Representation of violence and otherness in DSC prize winning and shortlisted novels of 2013 |
2015 |
5 |
Mr. Balaji Abhimanyu Kamble |
Library |
Virtual Rigorous Service Model in college library of Kolhapur District |
2016 |
6 |
Mr. Amol Sadashiv Mahajan |
Geography |
Changes in Agricultural Productivity in Kavathe Mahankal Tahsil: A Geographical Study |
2015 |
Minor Research Projects (In Progress)
Sr. No. |
Name of Faculty |
Dept. |
Topic |
Funding Agency |
Year |
1 |
Dr. Niranjan A. Kulkarni |
History |
Understanding Sacred (Cultural) Complex of Karavir Kshetra (Kolhapur): With Reference to the formation and development of Mahalaxmi-Cult |
2022 |
Ph.D. (Completed)
Sr. No. |
Name of Faculty |
Dept. |
Topic |
University |
Year |
1 |
Prin. Dr. Yojana Vasant Jugale |
Economics |
A study of turmeric Processing and powder Making Industry in Sangli |
SU, Kop |
2007 |
2 |
Dr. Niranjan Anjankumar Kulkarni |
History |
Early Historic Investigation in the upper Krishna basin with special reference to Karhad and Kolhapur |
DC, Pune |
2003 |
3 |
Dr. Amar Laxman Kamble |
Marathi |
मराठी आदिवासी साहित्याचा चिकित्सक अभ्यास |
SU, Kop |
2012 |
4 |
Dr. Sanghmitra Vithalrao Sarvade |
History |
आंबेडकरी चळवळीत महिलांचे योगदान, विशेष संदर्भ कोल्हापूर, सांगली आणि सातारा (१९२०-२०००) |
TMV, Pune |
2013 |
5 |
Dr. Mohan Mangeshrao Sawant |
Hindi |
राजबुद्धीराजा: व्यक्तित्व एवम् कर्तृत्व |
SU, Kop |
2005 |
6 |
Dr. Namadev Pandurang Khavare |
English |
Fantasy and Reality in the select Novels of James Graham Ballard |
SU, Kop |
2013 |
7 |
Dr. Malhari Navnath Survase |
Geography |
Soil Degradation and Its Conservation in Panchganga Basin (Maharashtra): A Geographical Analysis |
SU, Kop |
2010 |
8 |
Mr. Ashok Pandurang Jadhav |
Commerce |
Performance Evaluation of Urban Co-operatives in Sangli District |
2017 |
9 |
Mr.Eknath Shamrao Patil |
Marathi |
श्राव्य माध्यमासंदर्भात भाषिक उपयोजन आणि सर्जन |
SU, Kop |
2017 |
10 |
Mr.Appasaheb Shamrao Shelke |
Political Science |
ग्रामीण महिलातील जाणीव जागृती व सबलीकरण: ७३वी घटनादुरुस्ती विशेष संदर्भाने सांगली जिल्हा |
SPU, Pune |
2017 |
11 |
Mr.Dattatraya Devidas Shinde |
Sociology |
A Sociological Study of Kanjarbhat Community in Kolhapur District |
SU, Kop |
2017 |
12 |
Mr. Sameer Hindurao Gaikwad |
Economics |
Green Revolution: Its Impact on Selected Crops in Kolhapur District |
SU, Kop |
2020 |
13 |
Mr.Amol Sadashiv Mahajan |
Geography |
Spatio Temporal Changes in Agricultural Productivity in Sangli District: A Geographical Analysis |
SU, Kop |
2021 |
14 |
Mrs.Sunita Shrirang Telsinge |
Economics |
Women co-operative Credit: A Case Study in HatkanagaleTaluka. |
SU, Kop |
2021 |
15 |
Mrs.Vandana Vasant Kharat |
Commerce |
Financial Analysis of private Management Institute of Shivaji & Pune University : a comparative study |
SU, Kop |
2021 |
16 |
Mr.Vikas Kundalik Vidhate |
Hindi |
मोहनदास नैमिषराय के साहित्य का अध्ययन |
BAMU, Aurangabad |
2020 |
17 |
Mr.Balaji Abhimanyu Kamble |
Library |
Marketing of Information Services & Information products offered in Uni Librarian of Western India |
SRTMU, Nanded |
2023 |
18 |
Mr. Digambar Sukhadeo Kulkarni |
English |
Postmodern Narrative Techniques: A Study of Select Novels of David Mitchell and Mark Z. Danielewski |
KU, Dharwad |
2024 |
Ph.D. (in progress)
Sr. No. |
Name of Faculty |
Dept. |
Topic |
Funding Agency |
Registration |
1 |
Mr. Ramesh Mohanrao Patil |
Sports |
Study of the Effects of Rope Climbing and Vertical Jump on Volleyball Smashing Skills |
SRTMU, Nanded |
2019 |
2 |
Mr. Nilkanth V. Chakradhari |
English |
Men and Masculinities in the select novels of Amish Tripathi and Devdatta Patnayak |
SGU Atigre |
2019 |
3 |
Miss. Trupti B Khot |
Botany |
Studies on Systematic of the genus Nervilia Comm. ex. Gaudich (Orchidaceae) in Maharashtra |
Shivaji University |
2023 |
M.Phil. (Completed)
Sr. No. |
Name of Faculty |
Dept. |
Topic |
Funding Agency |
Year |
1 |
Prin. Dr. Yojana Vasant Jugale |
Economics |
शिरोळ तालुक्यातील स्त्री शेतमजुरांचे वेतन आणि संबधित समस्या |
SU, Kop |
1990 |
2 |
Mr.Eknath Shamrao Patil |
Marathi |
वि.स. खांडेकर यांचे ललित लेखनाचे विशेष |
SU, Kop |
2000 |
3 |
Dr.Niranjan Anjankumar Kulkarni |
History |
No Topic |
DC, Pune 1997 |
4 |
Mr. Dattatraya Devidas Shinde |
Sociology |
इचलकरंजी शहरातील कंजारभाट समुदायाच्या सामाजिक, आर्थिक परिस्थितीचा समाजशास्त्रीय अभ्यास |
YCMOU, Nasik |
2014 |
5 |
Mr. Sameer Hindurao Gaikwad |
Economics |
अनुसूचित जाती, जमातीचा रोजगार हमी योजनेतील सहभाग |
YCMOU, Nasik |
2009 |
6 |
Dr. Ashok Pandurang Jadhav |
Commerce |
Management of Co-Operative Undertakings (MC) |
2007 |
7 |
Mrs.Sunita Shrirang Telsinge |
Economics |
Performance of Indira Gandhi Mahila Co-operative Spining Mill, Shivanakwadi. |
SU, Kop |
2007 |
8 |
Dr. Mohan Mangeshrao Sawant |
Hindi |
राजेंद्र यादव का उखडे हुए लोग: संवेदना एवम् शिल्प |
SU, Kop |
1997 |
9 |
Mr.Appasaheb Shamrao Shelke |
Political Science |
कवठे महांकाळ तालुक्यातील पक्षीय राजकारणाचा विकासकामावरील परिणाम |
YCMOU, Nasik |
2009 |
10 |
Dr.Namdeo Pandurang Khavare |
English |
Fantasy and Realism in J. G. Ballard’s The Empire of the Sun, The Kidness of Women and The Dnay of Creation |
SU, Kop |
2009 |
11 |
Mrs.VandanaVasantKharat |
Commerce |
A Case Study of Manufacture And Sale of Bye-Products in RajarambapuSakharKarkhanaLtd. Sakharale |
SU, Kop |
2003 |
12 |
Mr.Digamber Sukhdeo Kulkarni |
English |
Nonlinear Narrative Technique: A Study of JulionBarne’s Flaubert’s Parrot and a History of World in 10 & Half Chapters |
SU, Kop |
2013 |
13 |
Mr.Vikas Kundalik Vidhate |
Hindi |
मोहनदास नैमिषराय के उपन्यासो में विद्रोह |
SU, Kop |
2011 |