Principal's Desk

Since its establishment in June 1998, Hon. Shri. Annasaheb Dange Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hatkanangale imparts quality education in the areas of arts, commerce, science, computer application and business administration. The college has turned to be an ideal educational center as it runs various programs and courses in a full-fledged way. At present, the institution offers 15 UG programs (BA in English, Hindi, Marathi, History, Economics, and Geography, Bachelor of Commerce, BSc in Chemistry, Physics, Maths, Botany, Zoology and Computer Science, Bachelor of Computer Application, BBA) and 03 PG Programs (MA in History, MA in English and M.Com in Accountancy). Along with these programs, the college offers a wide range of skill-based add-on/certificate courses every year to enrich the prescribed curriculum.
Quality is the watchword for our college and we take each and every step leading the institution towards the quality initiatives and quality assurance. We are very vigilant for quality audits and assessments since the last two decades. Irrespective of being non-grantable college at the initial stage, we applied for the first cycle of NAAC Accreditation in 2004 and successfully achieved the status of the first cycle of Accreditation with “B” grade (score 73.25). In 2012, our college applied for the re-accreditation and successfully completed this process with “B” grade (CGPA 2.78) and in 2019; we achieved the status of the third cycle of Accreditation with “B+” grade (CGPA- 2.53). Thus, the efforts of our college to get timely NAAC accreditation and assessment considering the validity period show our consciousness towards quality initiatives and quality assurance. Besides, the college takes positive steps for quality audits in terms of energy audit, environment audit, green audits, academic and administrative audits, and financial audits every year and strives to comply with the recommendations made by the concerned committees and agencies.
At present the institution has a nice learning ambience as it has good physical infrastructure (Five three-storied buildings) , ICT infrastructure (Computer Lab, Language Lab, Office with e-governance, departments with computer, LCD projectors and all these facilities have internet connectivity through LAN and Wi-Fi), research laboratories, botanical garden, library with e-resources and sports facilities, etc. Moreover, the faculties from the grantable courses are techno-savvy and research oriented. About 90% faculty members completed their research work and obtained Ph.D. degree from various universities viz., Shivaji University Kolhapur, Deccan College, Pune, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Swami Ramanand Tirth Marathwada University Nanded, Karnatak University, Dharwad, and Sanjay Ghodawat University, Atigre. As a result of such good learning ambiance and techno-savvy, research oriented qualified teaching staff, the college received excellence in the academic and sports area. About five students got place in University Merit List and two sports students had been awarded with Chhatrapati Shivaji Purskar from the Government of Maharashtra. Two students represented our college at the international level participating in the various games at Uzbekistan and Thailand. Recently, we have completed 25th years of existence and the academic year 2022-23 was celebrated as the Silver Jubilee Year by organizing various social services and community-benefit activities.
Prof. (Dr.) Niranjan A. Kulkarni
I/C- Principal
HSADACS College, Hatkanangale